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Musicians for Human Rights

Musicians for Human Rights asks musicians not only to imagine themselves on the concert stage, but to consider their place on the global stage. We believe one becomes a finer musician and a more complete person by helping others. Our mission is to foster a culture of humanism through music.

Our education efforts seek to engage students on human rights topics including immigration and asylum, the rights of the child, access to water and food, the right to culture, and freedom of expression.

At the center of each project is a commissioned musical composition on the theme, written to be rehearsed and performed by student and professional musicians seated side by side. Human rights experts join school teachers in classroom studies of the topic, examining historical and contemporary issues and human rights principles.

As Curriculum Specialist I am charged with developing curriculum for post-secondary and conservatory educational models, focusing on the influence of music in human rights discourses and the impact musicians can make to alleviating rights violations.

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